Basic Best Way To Speeding Your Surfing Speed And Unblock Blocked Sites Even Your ISP Blocket It!!
One of the best way of speeding your surfing speed is by using public DNS (Domain Name Server)
When you connect to internet you are most probably using the DNS provided by your ISP (internet services provider) and you can change it by going to...
Step 1
Control Panel => Network and Sharing Center => And then click on Change Adapter Settings
Step 2
Right click on the connection you want to configure to use the google publick dns system, click on "Properties" then click on the Networking tab.
Step 3
And then select the "INTERNET PROTOCOL VERSION 4" option and click on the "PROPERTIES" button and under the "GENERAL" tab, select the option USE THE FOLLOWING DNS SERVER ADDRESSES And then enter google DNS server addresses
Input Following this:
Preferred DNS server
Alternate DNS server
OK. That's all
And it's up.. reconnect to the Internet and Enjoy.
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